Leap months ahead with AI in just 2 hours!

Book Justin Kabbani's AI Rapid Starter - AI Strategy Workshop for CEOs - to accelerate your success. 100% of participants say they gain 2-3x ROI - some many times more!

Unlock the power of AI for your business - in just 2 hours!

A hands-on, interactive workshop tailored for CEOs and top executives.

Our session will cover:

  1. Introduction to AI in Business

  2. Understanding Your Pressing Problems & Golden Opportunities

  3. Apply AI SuperPrompts and Deep-Dive on 2 x Relevant Tools

  4. Identify AI Strategy Barriers & Accelerators

  5. Q&A and Takeaways

Startup Success

"A start-up in the services industry, 2 weeks from launch, completed the workshop and saw immediate productivity gains."

Sales Team Triumph

"A sales team implemented the tools they learned that day and started using them immediately."

CEO Impact

"A CEO learned the value of prompting and taught it to his staff, resulting in improved outcomes and elevated customer service."

What You'll Learn:
A Blueprint for AI Success

A step-by-step breakdown of the

2-hour AI Rapid Starter Workshop

From understanding your business challenges to identifying AI strategies, here's what you'll achieve.

  • Understanding AI's transformative power and relevance to your business.

  • Identifying and analysing your specific business challenges and uncovering opportunities.

  • Tailoring AI solutions using Justin's advanced techniques and focusing on two essential tools.

  • Crafting an AI strategy by pinpointing what may hinder or accelerate progress.

  • Open forum for questions and capturing key takeaways.

By the end of the session, you won’t just understand AI better - you'll have acquired skills and know how to strategically apply AI in your business.”

—Justin Kabbani

>> Limited spaces remaining in Sep / Oct <<
Book Your Spot Now!

Testimonials from the AI-Transformed

Meet Your AI Coach: Justin Kabbani

Expert AI Coach and Consultant, bridging the gap between AI and business leadership.

Justin Kabbani is a former advertising CEO who’s worked with the biggest Australian and global brands, launching ground-breaking platforms and campaigns, and changing consumer behaviour.

In 2022, he seized the opportunity to learn, unlearn, and relearn everything right at the dawn of the most significant change ever to our way of life and work— the dawn of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Only Justin blends real-world business experience with the latest in AI to give you and your business the leading edge.

“I look forward to facilitating your executive team’s journey to AI leadership.”
—Justin Kabbani

Transition to AI coaching

Recognising the gap in AI knowledge and adoption for business leaders, Justin decided to devote his knowledge and skills to helping others navigate this complex field. He created Hack(AI)thons by combining his AI expertise with his passion for coaching.

Coaching style and philosophy

Justin believes in hands-on, collaborative learning. In his workshops, he breaks down complex AI concepts into digestible insights and guides participants to apply AI tools to solve real business problems.

Results and impact

Justin has successfully coached numerous CEOs and Executive Leaders, helping them transition from AI apprehension to confident application. His workshops have transformed the way organisations leverage AI, fostering innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Creative father of four

When Justin is not demystifying AI, he enjoys cycling, painting and reading. Behind the AI expert is a father of four who is dedicated to creating a positive future for them by embracing AI. He looks forward to guiding you on your AI journey.

Embark on your AI journey today with Justin Kabbani!

Limited spots available.

You can secure your AI Rapid Starter Workshop and begin reaping the benefits of AI immediately.