Your executive leaders will understand and embrace AI…
in less than a day!

Get your Leadership Team up to speed quickly on Artificial Intelligence. Then tackle real business challenges and opportunities using the latest AI tools in an engaging Hack(AI)thon workshop.

Feeling lost in the AI labyrinth of prompts, privacy and possibility?

Don't let the complexity of Artificial Intelligence intimidate you. I’ll help your team navigate the AI maze with confidence and ease.

Finding the rapid pace of AI advancements overwhelming?

Staying on top of AI trends is like a sprint with no finish line. I’ll help your team turn it into a manageable marathon.

Is your business staying ahead of the competition or falling behind with AI?

As leaders, understanding AI is non-negotiable. I’ll help your team get up to speed and embrace the future without fear.

Accelerate your team’s
AI leadership


OutRACE.AI Hack(AI)thons

Your team’s guided journey into the rapidly evolving world of AI.

The 6-hour facilitated workshop is designed specifically for CEOs and Executive Leaders.

We’ll begin with an accelerated learning session to get your whole team on the same page. Then, we’ll review some relevant case studies and explore the potential with example scenarios. Then you'll work collaboratively in small groups, discussing and applying AI tools to solve real-world business problems and unlocking exciting opportunities.

Led by expert AI Coach and Consultant Justin Kabbani, you will learn about AI in an engaging, interactive environment.

Together we'll explore the immense opportunities that have opened up for businesses in 2023. I’ll also debunk common AI myths, address ethical concerns, provide practical insights, and help you understand how to leverage AI for your specific business needs.

By the end of the session, you and your team will not just understand AI - you'll know how to apply it in your business strategically.

During the course of the workshop, I’ll work through your fears, concerns and blockers. And I’ll make sure your Leadership Team feels prepared and ready to lead your organisation confidently into the AI-powered future.

Ready to accelerate your executive team’s AI leadership? Book an OutRACE.AI Hack(AI)thon.

Empowering leadership teams with AI expertise and experience

Full of mind-blowing moments for me - it really truly challenged my mindset today, and I can’t slow my brain down thinking about how quickly and easily we can start to test/trial these functions to streamline and improve our current working processes!”

— Natalie Sutulovic, Dashing Group

Why Hack(AI)thons? Unleashing AI's potential with a unique approach

The gap between AI confusion and comprehension is bridged through guided, hands-on learning experiences.

1. Tailored for Leaders

The Hack(AI)thon workshop is specifically designed for CEOs and Executive Leaders. Justin understands your unique challenges and has crafted an experience that meets your specific needs rather than offering a one-size-fits-all AI course.

2. Real-time Application

Unlike traditional training, we place an emphasis on the practical, real-time application of AI tools. You won't be just learning theories, you'll be solving current business problems and identifying AI opportunities.

3. Expert Facilitation

The Hack(AI)thon workshop is led by Justin Kabbani, an AI expert with a deep understanding of both the technology and business world. His guidance provides a unique blend of tech know-how and leadership wisdom.

4. Collaborative Learning

The power of collective intelligence is a core foundation fo the program. During the workshop, you'll be working in small groups, fostering a sense of community, and learning from the shared experiences of fellow leaders.

5. Post-Workshop Support

The engagement doesn't end when the workshop does. Ongoing support and resources are available to ensure that you and your leadership team can continue to apply what you've learned during the Hack(AI)thon.

6. Ongoing Coaching

As part of the Hack(AI)thon, your leadership team will likely identify and get started on some really impactful applications of AI in your business. Ongoing coach with individuals and teams can support the successful delivery of these projects.

Hack(AI)thons are
not just another AI course.

Hack(AI)thons are a comprehensive, hands-on workshop designed to equip executive leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the AI landscape confidently and make your business future-ready.

Meet Your AI Coach: Justin Kabbani

Expert AI Coach and Consultant, bridging the gap between AI and business leadership.

Justin Kabbani is a former advertising CEO who’s worked with the biggest Australian and global brands, launching ground-breaking platforms and campaigns, and changing consumer behaviour.

In 2022, he seized the opportunity to learn, unlearn, and relearn everything right at the dawn of the most significant change ever to our way of life and work— the dawn of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Only Justin blends real-world business experience with the latest in AI to give you and your business the leading edge.

“I look forward to facilitating your executive team’s journey to AI leadership.”
—Justin Kabbani

Transition to AI coaching

Recognising the gap in AI knowledge and adoption for business leaders, Justin decided to devote his knowledge and skills to helping others navigate this complex field. He created Hack(AI)thons by combining his AI expertise with his passion for coaching.

Coaching style and philosophy

Justin believes in hands-on, collaborative learning. In his workshops, he breaks down complex AI concepts into digestible insights and guides participants to apply AI tools to solve real business problems.

Results and impact

Justin has successfully coached numerous CEOs and Executive Leaders, helping them transition from AI apprehension to confident application. His workshops have transformed the way organisations leverage AI, fostering innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Creative father of four

When Justin is not demystifying AI, he enjoys cycling, painting and reading. Behind the AI expert is a father of four who is dedicated to creating a positive future for them by embracing AI. He looks forward to guiding you on your AI journey.

Inside Hack(AI)thons:
What You Can Expect

A comprehensive journey from AI basics to strategic application.

  • We kick off with a comprehensive overview of AI, demystifying the jargon, and debunking common myths. Understand what AI is, its core concepts, and its business implications.

  • Explore the current AI landscape. Learn about the key trends, advancements, and major players in the AI field. Understand how your competitors might be using AI and the opportunities you could seize.

  • Get acquainted with a range of AI tools relevant to business leadership. We'll guide you through their functionalities, benefits, and how you can use them to solve your current business problems.

  • Working in small groups, you'll apply the AI tools to real business scenarios. This hands-on approach fosters learning through collaboration and active problem-solving.

  • Towards the end of the workshop, we'll discuss how to formulate an effective AI strategy for your business. Learn how to identify AI opportunities, integrate AI into your business operations, and lead AI-driven transformation in your organisation.

  • Your learning journey doesn't end when the workshop concludes. You'll receive resources to reinforce the knowledge gained during the workshop and support for any questions or challenges you might face as you apply what you've learned. Additionally, you'll join an exclusive community of past participants for networking and shared learning.

From understanding AI to applying it strategically, the Hack(AI)thon workshop is a comprehensive, interactive, and practical learning experience for leaders who want to navigate the AI landscape confidently.

Success Stories:
Real impact for businesses

Discover how our workshops can transform business operations.

Achieving Efficiency Through AI

This CEO felt overwhelmed with the concept of AI and struggled to see how it could be applied to their business. After attending our workshop, they implemented AI tools that automated their time-consuming data analysis process. The result? A 30% increase in operational efficiency and more time for strategic thinking.

Driving Revenue with AI

This company was experiencing stagnant revenue growth. They knew they needed to innovate but didn't know where to start. Post our workshop, they utilised AI to personalise their customer experiences. The outcome was a 20% increase in revenue over the next quarter.

Competitive Edge Through AI

Faced with fierce competition, this company was looking for ways to differentiate. Our workshop empowered them to leverage AI for a unique customer service approach. They've since been recognised in industry publications for their innovative practices.

These are examples of how Hack(AI)thons can empower businesses to leverage AI for tangible improvements.

What will your business success story be?

Ready to empower your leadership team with AI?

Book your Hack(AI)thon workshop today.

Our workshops are exclusively designed for your leadership team, focusing on your specific business needs and opportunities.

Don't let your team navigate the AI labyrinth alone. Book a group workshop with us today to empower your leaders with AI.

>> Limited spots remaining in August & September — get in fast! <<

Got Questions?
Here are the answers.

Clearing up any hesitations about your AI journey.

  • The Hack(AI)thon workshop is designed specifically for CEOs and Executive Leaders who want to gain a solid understanding of AI and its application to business. However, any leader or professional who is interested in AI and its business implications can benefit from the workshop.

  • Absolutely! Our workshop is designed to be accessible for individuals with no prior technical or AI knowledge. We focus on the strategic application of AI in business, not the complex technical details.

  • Groups typically consist of 4 to 6 participants. This size ensures that everyone can participate actively while benefiting from the diverse perspectives in the group.

  • After the workshop, you'll receive an email with access to an exclusive online portal where you'll find resources for further learning and a space for discussions. You can also reach out to us via email for any specific queries.

  • Yes, we believe in making AI knowledge accessible to a wide audience. Please get in touch for more details.

  • No, you don't need any specific software or tools to attend the workshop. We will provide access to the AI tools you'll be learning during the workshop. All you need is a good internet connection.

  • Yes, the workshop is highly interactive. We encourage questions and discussions during the workshop, and there will be specific Q&A segments with Justin.

  • We strongly encourage real-time participation for the best learning experience. However, we understand that scheduling conflicts may occur. Please get in touch to discuss available options.

  • If you're asking this question, it's likely you're ready to at least start exploring AI for your business. Our workshop will provide you with the understanding and tools to evaluate where and how AI can benefit your business.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. I’m here to ensure your journey into AI is as smooth and beneficial as possible.

Don't let AI be your business's blind spot!

Empower your executive leadership team with practical AI knowledge today.

Your competitors are embracing AI. Your team might already be using it. It's time for your leadership to catch up. Don't let uncertainty and complexity hold your business back. Book your Hack(AI)thon workshop now and lead your business confidently into the AI-driven future.

>> Limited spots remaining in August & September — get in fast! <<